My Running Life

Yes! Sign up for that race! I bet you can run it!

Start Before You are Ready

It is what I have been doing for over 20 years. It is what I do when I don´t know what to do next. It has helped me navigate life´s journeys. In high school I would have given anything to be a runner and would have been jealous of who I am today.

Evolving with Gratitude: It is a book I read by Lainie Rowell, and it is framing a lot of my training!

Earlier this year, I set a goal of running 3000 miles in 2022. However, in early March of this year, my body decided weeks and months of high mileage that it needed a break. I went from running 60-70 miles a week to about 25. The fatigue and struggle made me think I was injured. Devastated that I could only run a mile or two at a time, I decided to take the advice everyone had been giving me. I needed to take a break from 60+ mile weeks and allow my body to recover. At the time I was lost, and had always thought if I only worked hard enough any goal could be accomplished. Today, I am almost three weeks into training for the Detroit Marathon. I think about how far I have come this spring. I am learning to keep gratitude at the center of my running journey.  

Detroit- I ran my first marathon here in 2002, and this year I am signed up to run my 35th marathon in Detroit! Cheers to evolving as a runner over 20 years!

In 2002, I ran my first marathon in Detroit. Since my first marathon, I have run 34 marathons (3 of which were ultra marathons). I don´t know what my future as a runner looks like. I don´t know which races I will qualify for, or what I will accomplish. This used to bother me a lot! I have seen my runner friends do amazing things and crush awesome goals. I could not be more proud of them. I am proud of who I am as a runner. Looking back 25 years ago, I was not a runner. I hated to run- and now I am a runner and look forward to each day I get to pound the pavement. I have used a lot of training plans over the years. Currently, I am following Hal Higdon´s advanced plan.

Some of the Awesome Races I have Finished: The Crim 10 mile, Austin half marathon, 25K Riverbank Run, Chicago Marathon, Traverse City Bayshore Marathon, Scotia Bank Toronto Marathon, Airforce Marathon, Marine Corps Marathon, Nashville Rock and Roll Marathon, Martian Marathon, Glass City Marathon (Toledo), Ann Arbor Marathon

Future Race options: I am thinking about seriously registering for the Big Sur Marathon. It is a lottery, so I don´t know if I will get in.